Blog Barča
A blog from Barča (Czech Republic) Hello, my name is Barča. I am from the Czech Republic, the small state in the middle of Europe. I want to share my…
The firefighter blogs
A blog from Barča (Czech Republic) Hello, my name is Barča. I am from the Czech Republic, the small state in the middle of Europe. I want to share my…
If you call 112 the following steps will be taken:If you call 112, you will get a dispatcher on the line within 10 seconds. He or she asks: "Would you…
The fire department, are these people "idiots" or heroes? When the pager goes off, the available firemen and women have to stop all their activities immediately. A few minutes in…
Die Feuerwehr, sind diese Leute "Idioten" oder Helden? Wenn der Melder losgeht, müssen die verfügbaren Feuerwehrmänner und Frauen sofort alle ihre Aktivitäten einstellen. Ein paar Minuten, in denen alle möglichen…
Hi everyone I'm Umut! This is my first Blog. I start with the first essay of my series that I will introduce my profession to you. WHO IS THIS ARFF?…